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Princeton Free WheelersPrinceton Free Wheelers
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Looking for something that you think ought to be here? Drop a line to the PFW Webguy!

PFW Members

PFW Facebook page:

Jim Brittain’s Blog, "Bikes & Other Business" (and his old one, "Seeming Verb")

Laura Lynch’s Blog, "Hill Slug Chronicles"

Tom Hammel’s Blog, "Tom's Bike Adventures"

(Tom's also a published author of bike books; see his books Road Biking New Jersey, Best Bike Rides Philadelphia, and his latest, Best Easy Bike Rides Gettysburg.)

Matt Friedman is "The Bike Rabbi".

Other Blogs

"Bike Snob NYC": opinionated, salty writing about bikes

"Dave Moulton's Bike Blog": An ex-bicycle framebuilder's thoughts about bicycle history, tech, bicycle culture, and often just life in general

Bicycle-related Sites


Mountain Bike Reviews is a site with reviews of bikes, gear, local shops, and trails, as welll as other information. Well kept up and current.

Road Bike Reviews, the sister site, is not quite as complete, but if you're looking for info on gear, start there.

Sheldon Brown was known as the guru of cycling. Although he died in 2008, his site is kept current by a loyal band of friends, family members, and associates. Great technical information there; if you want to learn about almost any aspect of the bicycle itself, this is a good place to start.

Jim Langley's site is comprehensive about bicycles: technical aspects, cycling culture, bicycle history, information on fixing bikes (he has a whole page on fixing annoying bike noises). Hover the mouse over the graphics on the front page for navigation.

Red Kite Prayer collects bicycle writing about gear, racing, physical condition, and the mind, heart, and soul of cycling, and has active followers who comment on the writing.

BikeBiz has information about the retail cycling business; new gear and trends often show up here before most cyclists get a chance to hear about them.

Many Freewheelers wear Road ID products which have your contact and medical ID on them; when you can't speak for yourself, they will.

The Bicycle Garage, described as "A Guide for Bike Riders", is a list of links to topics of interest to cyclists. At this writing, it has links to these topics:
  • General Bicycle Safety
  • Bicycle Commuting and Advocacy Information
  • Historical Bicycle Information and Bicycle Museums
  • Tandem Bicycles
  • Bicycle Routes
  • Handcycling (!)
  • Health and Miscellaneous Information for Bicycle Riders

This last site was forwarded by a young visitor to our page who found the other links useful, and thought members might benefit from this page.

    Video Channels

    Check out the Youtube channel for the Global Cycling Network for videos about racing, tech, gear, and (primarily road) bike info. Entertaining and informative.

    Oz Cycle, on Youtube, has tech tips, suggestions for saving money, thoughts from the road. Many videos about making your own tools and lubes. He's an Australian, and has both the accent and the attitude.

    The SickBiker Youtube Channel has reviews and tech information; he doesn't seem to be sponsored by any manufacturer, and his opinions appear well-founded.

    Path Less Pedaled Youtube channel has bike info for those who are NOT interested in the latest, lightest, or fastest; he's interested in trail riding, comfort, and use of the bike for other than speed and racing.

    Spindatt's motto is "Ride Reasonably-Priced Bikes". Watch as he wrenches on his stable of well-running but largely cobbled-together bikes, rides around (I think) Nova Scotia, and opines on the state of cycling.

    Please patronize our PFW Sponsors. Clicking on the ad will bring you to their site:

    Firehouse Cycles

    37 South Delaware Ave, Suite 3
    Yardley, PA 19067
    (215) 321-7171
    Sunday 9-1
    Tues-Fri 10-6
    Saturday 9-5
    Closed Mondays

    Jay's Cycles
    249 Nassau St
    Princeton, NJ 08540
    Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 11am-6pm
    Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm
    Closed Wednesdays

    7 Route 31
    Pennington, NJ 08534
    Mon-Fri 10-6
    Sat 930-430
    Sun 12-4

    Boys and Girls Club Bike Exchange
    1524 North Olden Ave, Ewing, NJ
    Regular hours (3/22 through 12/31):
    Tuesday & Thursday 5:00 to 7:45
    Saturday: 10:00 to 3:45
    Winter hours (1/1 to 3/21):
    Saturday 10:00 to 2:00

    683 Mercer Street 

    Hightstown, NJ 08520

    Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-6
    Tu, Thu: 10-7
    Sat: 10-5
    Sun: 11-3

    Sourland Cycles
    53 E Broad St
    Hopewell, NJ 08525
    Sun: 11am - 4pm
    Mon: Closed
    Sat: 10am - 5pm

    Halter's Cycles
    1325 US 206
    Skillman, NJ 08558
    Mon-Fri 11-7
    Sat 10-5
    Sun 12-4

    RoadMaestro Bicycle Service
    Mobile Bicycle repair based in
    Hightstown, NJ
    Click on the logo for info.

    Ramblin' Wrench
    Bike maintenance comes to you!
    Discounts to FreeWheeler Members

    Updated 3/14/2025